Imprint & privacy policy

Görlitzer Str. 52
10997 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 610006-0
Fax +49 30 6116063

General Terms and Conditions: AGBs

Berlin-Charlottenburg Local Court: HRB 6696 B
The registered office of the GmbH is Berlin
Sales tax identification number according to § 27a sales tax law: DE811230795

Managing director: Christian Schild
Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV: Christian Schild

DUNS number: 316068212

Liability notice for links:
(LG Hamburg 12.05.1999 – 312 O 85 / 98)

In its above-mentioned judgment, the Regional Court in Hamburg ruled that the inclusion of a link may entail co-responsibility for the content of the corresponding page. This can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from this content.

We dissociate ourselves from the content of the pages “linked” on our website and expressly point out that we visit the corresponding pages at irregular intervals and assume no guarantee of any kind.

Webinar: Multilayer

Unser Technologieleiter, Herr Dr. Lehnberger, wird Ihnen am 17. und 19.09. einen Einblick zu Multilayer – Platinen und ihr Aufbau – Designregeln geben