Heating foils

The ideal solution with great creative freedom for individual designs and heating zones.


Advantages of heating foils

Heating foils are flexible conductor foils that emit electrically generated heat. In contrast to conventional heating mats with discrete heating wires, smart heating foils offer the following advantages:

Technical information

How do heating foils work?

Heating foils utilize the heat generated due to the electrical power loss P in a current-carrying conductor. This heat is quadratically proportional to the electric current I and directly proportional to the electrical resistance of the heating conductor R. Resistance is determined for straight conductors as the product of the specific resistance of the heating conductor material ρ, the length l, divided by the conductor width w and height h.

Subsequently, the generated heat is transferred to the body to be heated. Heat flow initially occurs within the heating foil through the carrier material, starting from the heating conductor, before it is further conducted or released into the air. Heat transfer distinguishes between direct heat conduction to adjacent materials and, specifically, heat spreading when heat conduction occurs in a plane. On the other hand, when heat is transferred to the air and other fluids, it is referred to as heat transfer.

The power density achievable with the heater depends on the magnitude of the heat flow and its distribution. The allowable electrical power per unit area is determined by the developer through the construction and design of the heater, as well as the choice of interface materials between the heating foil and the body to be heated.

Areas of application

Process optimization

Our heating foils are used in numerous industrial processes to ensure product consistency and quality. Precise temperature control enables optimal reaction rates and production yields.

Environmental control

For applications requiring precise environmental control, our heating foils provide the ideal solution. Whether it’s protection against condensation, frost, or dew, our technology ensures reliable and precise heat regulation.

Industrial equipment

From ring heaters to camera heaters, our heating foils are integrated into a wide range of industrial equipment. They not only ensure optimal performance of these devices but also extend their lifespan and reliability.

Energy-efficient solutions

Our heating foils offer a unique opportunity for energy savings. Thanks to their self-regulating properties, they automatically adjust their resistance to maintain constant temperatures, thus efficiently utilizing energy and preventing overheating.

Electronics and sensing

Our heating foils play a crucial role in the electronics and sensing industries. They ensure the operational readiness of devices and ensure that sensitive components function efficiently even under extreme conditions.

Medical technology

In the field of medical technology, our heating foils are used for various applications, including blood warming, medical imaging, and incubation. Precise temperature control is of utmost importance in these applications.


up to 470x575mm
0,12 mm (Polyimid), 0,77 mm (Polysiloxan)
Power density
up to 100W/cm²
0,1 … 25 Ohm/cm²
Temperature ranges
(guide values, depending on material):
up to 105°C, bis 130 … 150°C, up to 275°C

Our offer for you

For detailed planning, ANDUS is pleased to offer simulations, design recommendations, and layout services. Our heating foils provide a wide range of options to meet the specific requirements of various industries. From direct heating to thermal foils, we develop innovative solutions that precisely regulate heat, save energy, and optimize the performance of your processes and equipment. Contact us today to learn more about our groundbreaking technology and tailor-made solutions.


Additional features

Application example

Role of the Heating Foil in the Drill Head:


The drill head is equipped with heating foils on its inner wall.


To deploy the sensors to their target depths, which require a mole penetration depth between 3 and 5 meters, HP 3 would use a small penetrator measuring 40 cm in length and 2.7 cm in diameter, affectionately referred to as the ‘Mole.’ The penetrator was designed to draw a flat cable equipped with temperature sensors into the subsurface to measure the temperature gradient. Additionally, the Mole was equipped with resistance foil temperature sensors integrated into its body, which could be actively heated with a known constant power. By measuring the temperature increase over time, thermal conductivity could be calculated from the data (Spohn et al., 2018, Grott et al., 2019, Grott et al., 2021). With sensors on the Mole and the tether, the plan was to measure a thermal conductivity profile down to a depth of 5 meters with a resolution of 50 cm, as well as a temperature profile and its variation over a Martian year. To complement the data, the package was supplemented with a radiometer for measuring surface brightness temperature.


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Video: CC-BY Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

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Unser Technologieleiter, Herr Dr. Lehnberger, wird Ihnen am 15. und 17.10. einen Einblick in Designregeln und Aufbau geben.